Dale & Anabelle Barkubein

Dale and Annabelle Barkubein are missionaries serving in the Philippines. Dale’s heart for missions goes back to his days at Pensacola Christian College in Florida. After finishing school, he moved to Chattanooga and began working with a mission board there. The board later moved to TX, but Dale and his first wife stayed to minister in their home church.

After Dale’s wife died in an auto accident, he began traveling all over the world, doing construction-evangelism on mission fields. That’s how he first met Annabelle, while he was on a missions trip to N. Philippines. Dale shared the Gospel with her, she professed faith in Christ, and he began to disciple her.

About a year later, on his next missions trip to Philippines, they met again, and began to realize that the Lord was joining their hearts. Not long after, they were married and Annabelle was able to move to the US. They served God faithfully, again in their home church Grace Baptist.

Shortly after, Dale went back to the Philippines on a missions trip. His eyes were opened to the dire physical and spiritual needs of the Filipino people. He was searching for God’s leading and opportunities for permanent missionary ministry there, and the Lord showed him.

After much prayer and Annabelle’s inner struggles with returning to her impoverished homeland, the Lord joined their hearts again–this time for missions and for the Filipino people. After the Lord provided their needed support, Dale, Annabelle and their young daughter Daeana settled in N. Philippines for life-long ministry, where they remain to this day. [They were Titus’ first presence in Philippines.]

They have established and nationalized Filipino churches and Gospel ministries in the lowlands near San Fernand, and in the high mountains near Bauggio. Evangelism, discipleship, church planting, training Filipino pastors, women’s and children’s ministries, and humanitarian work with the homeless–the Barkubeins’ ministries of compassion in N. Philippines.