Tom & Sue Dennison

Tom and Sue were both saved as teenagers. They both attended Word of Life Bible Institute and later Baptist Bible College. While at college, they married and began to seek God’s will together.

The Dennisons are not new to the Philippines. The Lord led them there in 1986. For over 20 years, they enjoyed a fruitful ministry at a Bible Institute and then a local church-oriented youth program. The Lord also blessed them with five daughters during their years in the Philippines.

In 2007, the Dennisons felt the Lord leading them into a different ministry, and believing this to be in the USA, they moved back to New Hampshire. After a year of seeking God, they became convinced that God wanted them back in the Philippines. They are extremely excited to get back to Manila and begin a new ministry reaching youth for Christ. The needs are great in Manila, with a student population in the millions and probably 93% of them trusting in idols instead of the Savior.

In 2009, Tom & Sue Dennison joined with daughters Hillary and Heidi are located in Manila, Philippines. Tom’s main ministry is training and recruiting Filipinos to be missionaries to other less reached Asian nations. Evangelism in the Philippines has yielded much fruit through the years. Though the vast majority is still trusting in the Catholic faith, the evangelical church has reached the point where they are ready to launch out as missionaries themselves. There are more than one-half billion people in a 10-member association of nations to which the Philippines belongs. These lands are much less evangelized than even the Philippines. Filipino believers are answering the call. Tom & Sue hope to train many nationals to reach their Asian world soon.