Flo & Colleen Gostner

Our names are Florian and Colleen Gostner and we serve the German speaking churches through translating materials into the German language. Florian is a native Austrian, who completed a three year preaching program at the European Bible Training Center, along with his bachelors of theology at Martin Bucer Seminary. He also served as a pastor at the FEG Feldkirch church for four years. Colleen is an American who grew up in southeast Michigan. She graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education and attended Spring Bible School 2012 at Capernwray Hall in Carnforth, England. She began serving with Missions 3:16 in December of 2012.

During our time in Austria, we saw again and again how good materials and trusted resources are critical for ministry. That’s why we want to bring more resources to the German church. It is our goal for Flo to be able to continue his work with translating books and articles. In order to do that, we need financial support. Are you willing to partner with us in equipping the German-speaking church?

For more information regarding our ministry, please feel free to contact us.